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Particula-beta Index / Particula Beta / Data / Merger

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" Merge or adds processed data together. Accounts for data shape miss matches and duplicate timestamps. If the data is a different shape than the existing data, it will be reshaped to match the existing data.


data : np.array Existing data stream. time : np.array Time array for the existing data. header_list : List[str] List of headers for the existing data. data_new : np.array Processed data to add to the data stream. time_new : np.array Time array for the new data. header_new : List[str] List of headers for the new data.


Tuple[np.array, List[str], Dict[str, int]] A tuple containing the updated data stream, the updated header list, and a dictionary mapping the header names to their corresponding indices in the data stream.


def combine_data(
    data: np.ndarray,
    time: np.ndarray,
    header_list: list,
    data_new: np.ndarray,
    time_new: np.ndarray,
    header_new: list,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, list]: ...


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Adds a new data stream and corresponding time stream to the existing data.


stream : object A Stream object, containing the existing data. new_time : np.ndarray (m,) An array of time values for the new data stream. new_data : np.ndarray An array of data values for the new data stream. header_check : bool, optional If True, checks whether the header in the new data matches the header in the existing data. Defaults to False. new_header : list of str, optional A list of header names for the new data stream. Required if header_check is True.


stream : object A Stream object, containing the updated data.


ValueError If header_check is True and header is not provided or header does not match the existing header.


If header_check is True, the method checks whether the header in the new data matches the header in the existing data. If they do not match, the method attempts to merge the headers and updates the header dictionary.

If header_check is False or the headers match, the new data is appended to the existing data.

The function also checks whether the time stream is increasing, and if not, sorts the time stream and corresponding data.


def stream_add_data(
    stream: Stream,
    time_new: np.ndarray,
    data_new: np.ndarray,
    header_check: Optional[bool] = False,
    header_new: Optional[list] = None,
) -> Stream: ...

See also