Settings Generator¶
Particula-beta Index / Particula Beta / Data / Settings Generator
Auto-generated documentation for module.
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Generate a settings dictionary for loading and checking 1D data from CSV files.
- relative_data_folder (str): The folder path relative to the main script where data files are located. Default is 'instrument_data'.
- filename_regex (str): Regular expression pattern to match filenames in the data folder. Default is '*.csv'.
- file_min_size_bytes (int): Minimum size in bytes for files to be considered valid. Default is 10.
- header_row (int): The index of the row containing column headers (0-indexed). Default is 0.
- data_checks (Optional[dict]): A dictionary containing data quality checks such as character length, required character counts, rows to skip at the beginning or end. Defaults to basic checks if None.
- data_column (list of int): List of indices for columns containing data points to be loaded. Default is [3, 5].
- data_header (List[str]): List of strings representing the header names for data columns. Default is ['data 1', 'data 3'].
- time_column (List[int]): List of indices for columns containing time information. Default is [0, 1].
- time_format (str): String format for parsing time columns, using strftime conventions. Default is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'.
- delimiter (str): Character used to separate values in the file. Default is ','.
- time_shift_seconds (int): Number of seconds by which to shift time data (positive or negative). Default is 0.
- timezone_identifier (str): Timezone identifier for time conversion. Default is 'UTC'.
dict - A dictionary with settings for data loading procedures including file paths, size requirements, header information, and data check parameters.
def for_general_1d_load(
relative_data_folder: str = "instrument_data",
filename_regex: str = "*.csv",
file_min_size_bytes: int = 10,
header_row: int = 0,
data_checks: Optional[dict] = None,
data_column: list = [3, 5],
data_header: List[str] = ["data 1", "data 3"],
time_column: List[int] = [0, 1],
time_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f",
delimiter: str = ",",
time_shift_seconds: int = 0,
timezone_identifier: str = "UTC",
) -> dict: ...
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Generate settings for the 1D general file loader and the 2D general sizer file loader.
- relative_data_folder (str): Path to the folder containing data files, relative to the script's location.
- filename_regex (str): Regex pattern to match filenames for loading.
- file_min_size_bytes (int): Minimum file size in bytes for a file to be considered valid for loading.
- header_row (int): Row index for the header (0-based) in the data files.
- data_checks (dict, optional): Specifications for data integrity checks to apply when loading data.
- data_1d_column (list of int): Column indices for 1D data extraction.
- data_1d_header (list of str): Header names corresponding to the
indices. - data_2d_dp_start_keyword (str): Keyword indicating the start of 2D data points in a file.
- data_2d_dp_end_keyword (str): Keyword indicating the end of 2D data points in a file.
- data_2d_convert_concentration_from (str, optional): Unit to convert from if concentration scaling is needed for 2D data.
- time_column (list of int): Column indices for time data extraction.
- time_format (str): Format string for parsing time data.
- delimiter (str): Delimiter character for splitting data in the file.
- time_shift_seconds (int): Seconds to shift the time data by.
- timezone_identifier (str): Timezone ID for time data interpretation.
- tuple of (dict, dict): A tuple containing two dictionaries with settings for the 1D and 2D data loaders.
The function defaults data_checks
to basic validation criteria if not
provided. It returns separate dictionaries for settings applicable to
1D and 2D data loaders, which include file paths, size checks, and
data parsing rules.
def for_general_sizer_1d_2d_load(
relative_data_folder: str = "instrument_data",
filename_regex: str = "*.csv",
file_min_size_bytes: int = 10,
header_row: int = 0,
data_checks: Optional[dict] = None,
data_1d_column: list = [3, 5],
data_1d_header: List[str] = ["data 1", "data 3"],
data_2d_dp_start_keyword: str = "Date Time",
data_2d_dp_end_keyword: str = "Total Conc",
data_2d_convert_concentration_from: str = "dw/dlogdp",
time_column: List[int] = [0, 1],
time_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f",
delimiter: str = ",",
time_shift_seconds: int = 0,
timezone_identifier: str = "UTC",
) -> tuple: ...
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Load settings for Lake data from a JSON file. The settings file is a dictionary of stream settings dictionaries.
Given a path and subfolder, this function searches for a JSON file named 'lake_settings' with an optional suffix. It returns the settings as a dictionary. If no file is found, or multiple files are found, appropriate errors or warnings are raised.
path - The path where the subfolder is located.-
subfolder - The subfolder where the settings file is expected.-
settings_suffix - An optional suffix for the settings file name. Default is an empty string.
dict - A dictionary of settings loaded from the file.
FileNotFoundError - If no settings file is found.-
Warning - If more than one settings file is found.
def load_settings_for_lake(
path: str, subfolder: str = "", settings_suffix: str = ""
) -> dict: ...
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Load settings for Stream data from a JSON file.
Given a path and subfolder, this function searches for a JSON file named 'stream_settings' with an optional suffix. It returns the settings as a dictionary. If no file is found, or multiple files are found, appropriate errors or warnings are raised.
path - The path where the subfolder is located.-
subfolder - The subfolder where the settings file is expected.-
settings_suffix - An optional suffix for the settings file name. Default is an empty string.
dict - A dictionary of settings loaded from the file.
FileNotFoundError - If no settings file is found.-
Warning - If more than one settings file is found.
def load_settings_for_stream(
path: str, subfolder: str, settings_suffix: str = ""
) -> dict: ...
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Save settings for lake data to a JSON file.
Given a dictionary of settings, this function saves it to a JSON file named 'lake_settings' with an optional suffix in the specified filename. The JSON file is formatted with a 4-space indentation.
settings - The settings dictionary to be saved.-
path - The path where the subfolder is located.-
subfolder - The subfolder where the settings file will be saved.-
settings_suffix - An optional suffix for the settings file name. Default is an empty string.
- None
def save_settings_for_lake(
settings: dict, path: str, subfolder: str = "", settings_suffix: str = ""
) -> None: ...
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Save settings for lake data to a JSON file.
Given a dictionary of settings, this function saves it to a JSON file named 'stream_settings' with an optional suffix in the specified filename. The JSON file is formatted with a 4-space indentation.
settings - The settings dictionary to be saved.-
path - The path where the subfolder is located.-
subfolder - The subfolder where the settings file will be saved.-
settings_suffix - An optional suffix for the settings file name. Default is an empty string.
- None
def save_settings_for_stream(
settings: dict, path: str, subfolder: str, settings_suffix: str = ""
) -> None: ...