Particula-beta Index / Particula Beta / Lagrangian / Boundary
Auto-generated documentation for particula_beta.lagrangian.boundary module.
Apply cubic boundary conditions with wrap-around, to the position tensor.
This function modifies positions that exceed the cubic domain side, wrapping them around to the opposite side of the domain. It handles both positive and negative overflows. The center of the cube is assumed to be at zero. If a particle is way outside the cube, it is wrapped around to the opposite side of the cube.
- position (torch.Tensor): A tensor representing positions that might exceed the domain boundaries. [3, num_particles]
- cube_side (float): The cube side length of the domain.
torch.Tensor - The modified position tensor with boundary conditions applied.
position = torch.tensor([...]) # Position tensor cube_side = 10.0 # Define the domain wrapped_position = boundary.wrapped_cube(position, cube_side)
def wrapped_cube(position: torch.Tensor, cube_side: float) -> torch.Tensor: ...