Custom Nucleation: Single Species¶
In this How-to Guide, we will demonstrate how to create a custom nucleation model for a single-species aerosol system. We will use fixed nucleation rates for demonstration purposes. This approach highlights the flexibility of adding new processes to your aerosol simulation before full integration into the main codebase.
This guide is based on the Dynamics Customization tutorial.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# particula
import particula as par
Aerosol Setup¶
We will begin by setting up ammonium sulfate vapor alongside a few pre-existing particles. The vapor phase will include a constant vapor pressure for ammonium sulfate, and a lognormal distribution will be used to represent the initial particle population.
The pre-existing particles are also necessary as, the zero particle case is not supported in the current version of the model.
# Build the sulfate gas species
# Ammonium sulfate properties
molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate = 132.14e-3 # kg/mol
density_ammonium_sulfate = 1.77e3 # kg/m^3
# Define vapor pressure parameters for ammonium sulfate
parameters_vapor = {
"vapor_pressure": 4e-12, # pascal
"vapor_pressure_units": "atm", # units
# Create a constant vapor pressure strategy using the VaporPressureFactory
vapor_pressure_sulfate = par.gas.VaporPressureFactory().get_strategy(
"constant", parameters_vapor
# Calculate the saturation concentration at a given temperature
sulfate_saturation = vapor_pressure_sulfate.saturation_concentration(
temperature=298.15, # Kelvin
# Set initial sulfate concentration as a fraction of saturation concentration
initial_sulfate_concentration = 0.5 * sulfate_saturation # kg/m^3
# Build the sulfate gas species using the GasSpeciesBuilder
gas_sulfate = (
.set_molar_mass(molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/mol")
.set_concentration(initial_sulfate_concentration, "kg/m^3")
# Build the atmosphere with the sulfate species and environmental conditions
atmosphere = (
.add_species(gas_sulfate) # Add sulfate to the atmosphere
.set_temperature(25, temperature_units="degC") # Set temperature to 25°C
.set_pressure(1, pressure_units="atm") # Set pressure to 1 atm
# Generate a lognormal particle size distribution
particle_sample = par.particles.get_lognormal_sample_distribution(
mode=np.array([400e-9]), # Mean particle diameter of 400 nm
geometric_standard_deviation=np.array([1.4]), # GSD of 1.4
), # Number of particles in the distribution
number_of_samples=100, # Number of particle samples
# Calculate the mass of each particle based on its size and ammonium sulfate density
particle_mass_sample = (
4 / 3 * np.pi * particle_sample**3 * density_ammonium_sulfate # kg
volume_sim = 0.1 * par.util.get_unit_conversion("cm^3", "m^3") # m^3
# Build the resolved particle mass representation for the aerosol particles
resolved_masses = (
.set_mass(particle_mass_sample, "kg")
.set_density(density_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/m^3")
.set_volume(volume_sim, "m^3")
# Create the aerosol object with the atmosphere and particles
aerosol = par.Aerosol(atmosphere=atmosphere, particles=resolved_masses)
# Print the properties of the created aerosol system
# Build the sulfate gas species
# Ammonium sulfate and water vapor pressure
molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate = 132.14e-3 # kg/mol
density_ammonium_sulfate = 1.77e3 # kg/m^3
parameters_vapor = {
"vapor_pressure": 4e-12, # pascal
"vapor_pressure_units": "atm",
vapor_pressure_sulfate = par.gas.VaporPressureFactory().get_strategy(
"constant", parameters_vapor
# get initial vapor concentration
sulfate_saturation = vapor_pressure_sulfate.saturation_concentration(
initial_sulfate_concentration = 0.5 * sulfate_saturation
# Create the gas species
gas_sulfate = (
.set_molar_mass(molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/mol")
.set_concentration(initial_sulfate_concentration, "kg/m^3")
# AtmosphereBuilder constructs the atmosphere with predefined species
atmosphere = (
.add_species(gas_sulfate) # Add the sulfate gas species to the atmosphere
.set_temperature(25, temperature_units="degC") # Set temperature to 25°C
.set_pressure(1, pressure_units="atm") # Set pressure to 1 atmosphere
.build() # Finalize the atmosphere object
# Generate a particle distribution using a lognormal sample distribution
# This distribution has a mean particle diameter (mode) and geometric standard deviation (GSD)
particle_sample = par.particles.get_lognormal_sample_distribution(
mode=np.array([400e-9]), # Mean particle diameter of 100 nm
geometric_standard_deviation=np.array([1.4]), # GSD of 1.3
number_of_particles=np.array([1e4]), # Total number of particles
number_of_samples=100, # Number of samples for particle distribution
# Calculate the mass of each particle in the sample
particle_mass_sample = (
4 / 3 * np.pi * particle_sample**3 * density_ammonium_sulfate
) # Particle mass in kg
# Build a resolved mass representation for each particle
# This defines how particle mass, activity, and surface are represented
resolved_masses = (
.set_mass(particle_mass_sample, "kg")
.set_density(density_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/m^3")
.set_volume(0.1, "cm^3")
# # Create an aerosol object with the defined atmosphere and resolved particles
aerosol = par.Aerosol(atmosphere=atmosphere, particles=resolved_masses)
# Print the properties of the atmosphere
This section performs a step in the simulation using a manual stepping method. The steps include:
- Adding more vapors to the gas phase.
- Calculating the new saturation ratio.
- Calculating the nucleation rate based on the saturation difference.
- Determining the number of new particles nucleated.
- Determining the number of resolved particles to be added to the aerosol.
- Creating and adding the new particles to the aerosol.
- Performing a condensation step to account for gas-phase condensation onto existing particles.
- Performing a coagulation step to account for particle-particle interactions.
And before we start, we also need to initialize the condensation and coagulation runnables.
# setup dynamics for condensation
condensation_method = par.dynamics.CondensationIsothermal(
condensation_runnable = par.dynamics.MassCondensation(
# setup dynamics for coagulation
coagulation_strategy = (
coagulation_runnable = par.dynamics.Coagulation(
step_count = 0
You can repeatedly run the next cell to see the evolution of the aerosol system.
# Initialize or increment step counter
step_count += 1
print(f"Step {step_count}")
# Define key parameters# Build the sulfate gas species using the GasSpeciesBuilder
gas_sulfate = (
.set_molar_mass(molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/mol")
.set_concentration(initial_sulfate_concentration, "kg/m^3")
# AtmosphereBuilder constructs the atmosphere with predefined species
atmosphere = (
.add_species(gas_sulfate) # Add the sulfate gas species to the atmosphere
.set_temperature(25, temperature_units="degC") # Set temperature to 25°C
.set_pressure(1, pressure_units="atm") # Set pressure to 1 atmosphere
.build() # Finalize the atmosphere object
# Build the resolved particle mass representation for the aerosol particles
resolved_masses = (
.set_mass(particle_mass_sample, "kg")
.set_density(density_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/m^3")
.set_volume(0.1, "cm^3")
# Create the aerosol object with the atmosphere and particles
aerosol = par.Aerosol(atmosphere=atmosphere, particles=resolved_masses)
# Print the properties of the created aerosol system
# Set up time and sub-steps for the coagulation process
total_time = 200
time_step = 1
sub_steps = 2
# bins
bins_lognormal = np.logspace(-9, -7, 200)
# output arrays
time = np.arange(0, total_time, time_step)
total_mass_resolved = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
number_distribution_binned = np.zeros((len(time), len(bins_lognormal) - 1))
total_number_resolved = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
saturation_ratio_output = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
print(f"Total iterations to do: {len(time)*sub_steps}")
vapor_production = (
sulfate_saturation * 0.2
) # Adding 20% of saturation concentration per second
base_nucleation_rate = (
1e-8 * density_ammonium_sulfate
) # Base nucleation rate in kg/m^3/s
mass_nucleated_particle = (
4 / 3 * np.pi * (2e-9) ** 3 * density_ammonium_sulfate
) # Mass of a 10 nm particle in kg
exponent_nucleation = 2 # Nucleation rate exponent (empirical)
time_step = 1 # Time step in seconds
# 1. Add more vapor to the gas phase (e.g., by external sources)
"Current sulfate concentration: ",
aerosol.atmosphere.species[0].add_concentration(vapor_production * time_step)
"New sulfate concentration: ",
# 2. Calculate the new saturation ratio for sulfate in the atmosphere
saturation_ratio = aerosol.atmosphere.species[0].get_saturation_ratio(
print(f"Saturation ratio: {saturation_ratio}")
# 3. Calculate the nucleation rate based on the saturation ratio
# Ensure the saturation ratio is above 1, nucleation only occurs above saturation
saturation_difference = np.maximum(
saturation_ratio - 1, 0
) # No nucleation if S ≤ 1
# Calculate the nucleation rate using the exponential form (custom)
# note this is mass based, if you have a volume based nucleation rate, you need to convert it
# to mass, as the resolved particles are mass based
nucleation_rate = (
base_nucleation_rate * (saturation_difference / 500) ** exponent_nucleation
f"Nucleation rate [mass concentration per sec, kg/m^3/s]: {nucleation_rate}"
# 4. Calculate the number of new particles nucleated
# Floor division ensures we only get whole particles
number_of_new_particles = (
time_step * nucleation_rate // mass_nucleated_particle
print(f"Number of new particles nucleated: {number_of_new_particles}")
# 5. Determine the number of resolved particles to create (based on simulation volume)
single_resolved_particle = aerosol.particles[0].get_concentration().max()
number_of_new_resolved_particles = int(
number_of_new_particles // single_resolved_particle
f"Number of new resolved particles to be created: {number_of_new_resolved_particles}"
# 6. If new particles are nucleated, proceed to add them to the aerosol
if number_of_new_resolved_particles > 0:
# Remove nucleated mass from the gas phase to conserve mass
-number_of_new_resolved_particles * mass_nucleated_particle
# Create arrays to store the properties of the newly resolved particles
new_resolved_particle_masses = np.full(
number_of_new_resolved_particles, mass_nucleated_particle
new_resolved_particle_concentrations = np.ones_like(
) # Concentration of 1 per particle
# Add the new resolved particles to the aerosol
# Print the total particle concentration before dynamics (for monitoring)
total_particle_concentration = aerosol.particles[0].get_total_concentration()
f"Total particle concentration before dynamics [#/m^3]: {total_particle_concentration}"
# 7. Perform the condensation step
condensation_runnable.execute(aerosol, time_step)
# 8. Perform the coagulation step
coagulation_runnable.execute(aerosol, time_step)
# Print the total particle concentration and mass after running the dynamics
total_particle_concentration_after_process = aerosol.particles[
f"Total particle concentration after dynamics [#/m^3]: {total_particle_concentration_after_process}"
total_particle_mass_after_process = aerosol.particles[
f"Total particle mass after dynamics [kg/m^3]: {total_particle_mass_after_process}"
# Retrieve and print the total number of resolved particles simulated
total_resolved_particles_in_simulation = aerosol.particles[
f"Total resolved particles in simulation: {total_resolved_particles_in_simulation}"
Time Loop¶
Now that we see the simulation is working, we can put that into a loop and save out the distribution of particles at each time step.
We'll first reset the aerosol system to its initial state, create a output matrix, then run the previous simulation in a for loop.
# Build the sulfate gas species using the GasSpeciesBuilder
gas_sulfate = (
.set_molar_mass(molar_mass_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/mol")
.set_concentration(initial_sulfate_concentration, "kg/m^3")
# AtmosphereBuilder constructs the atmosphere with predefined species
atmosphere = (
.add_species(gas_sulfate) # Add the sulfate gas species to the atmosphere
.set_temperature(25, temperature_units="degC") # Set temperature to 25°C
.set_pressure(1, pressure_units="atm") # Set pressure to 1 atmosphere
.build() # Finalize the atmosphere object
# Build the resolved particle mass representation for the aerosol particles
resolved_masses = (
.set_mass(particle_mass_sample, "kg")
.set_density(density_ammonium_sulfate, "kg/m^3")
.set_volume(0.1, "cm^3")
# Create the aerosol object with the atmosphere and particles
aerosol = par.Aerosol(atmosphere=atmosphere, particles=resolved_masses)
# Print the properties of the created aerosol system
# Set up time and sub-steps for the coagulation process
total_time = 200
time_step = 1
sub_steps = 1
# bins
bins_lognormal = np.logspace(-9, -7, 200)
# output arrays
time = np.arange(0, total_time, time_step)
total_mass_resolved = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
number_distribution_binned = np.zeros((len(time), len(bins_lognormal) - 1))
total_number_resolved = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
saturation_ratio_output = np.ones_like(time, dtype=np.float64)
print(f"Total iterations to do: {len(time)*sub_steps}")
# Define key parameters
vapor_production = (
sulfate_saturation * 0.2
) # Adding 20% of saturation concentration per second
base_nucleation_rate = (
1e-8 * density_ammonium_sulfate
) # Base nucleation rate in kg/m^3/s
mass_nucleated_particle = (
4 / 3 * np.pi * (2e-9) ** 3 * density_ammonium_sulfate
) # Mass of a 10 nm particle in kg
exponent_nucleation = 2 # Nucleation rate exponent (empirical)
for i, t in enumerate(time):
if i > 0:
# 1. Add more vapor to the gas phase (e.g., by external sources)
vapor_production * time_step
# 2. Calculate the new saturation ratio for sulfate in the atmosphere
saturation_ratio = aerosol.atmosphere.species[0].get_saturation_ratio(
# 3. Calculate the nucleation rate based on the saturation ratio
# Ensure the saturation ratio is above 1, nucleation only occurs above saturation
saturation_difference = np.maximum(
saturation_ratio - 1, 0
) # No nucleation if S ≤ 1
# Calculate the nucleation rate using the exponential form (custom)
# note this is mass based, if you have a volume based nucleation rate, you need to convert it
# to mass, as the resolved particles are mass based
nucleation_rate = (
* (saturation_difference / 500) ** exponent_nucleation
# 4. Calculate the number of new particles nucleated
# Floor division ensures we only get whole particles
number_of_new_particles = (
time_step * nucleation_rate // mass_nucleated_particle
# 5. Determine the number of resolved particles to create (based on simulation volume)
single_resolved_particle = (
number_of_new_resolved_particles = int(
number_of_new_particles // single_resolved_particle
# 6. If new particles are nucleated, proceed to add them to the aerosol
if number_of_new_resolved_particles > 0:
# Remove nucleated mass from the gas phase to conserve mass
-number_of_new_resolved_particles * mass_nucleated_particle
# Create arrays to store the properties of the newly resolved particles
new_resolved_particle_masses = np.full(
number_of_new_resolved_particles, mass_nucleated_particle
new_resolved_particle_concentrations = np.ones_like(
) # Concentration of 1 per particle
# Add the new resolved particles to the aerosol
# 7. Perform the condensation step
condensation_runnable.execute(aerosol, time_step, sub_steps)
# 8. Perform the coagulation step
coagulation_runnable.execute(aerosol, time_step, sub_steps)
total_mass_resolved[i] = aerosol.particles[0].get_mass_concentration()
number_distribution = aerosol.particles[0].get_radius(clone=True)
number_distribution_binned[i, :], edges = np.histogram(
number_distribution, bins=bins_lognormal
total_number_resolved[i] = np.sum(number_distribution[i] > 0)
saturation_ratio_output[i] = aerosol.atmosphere.species[
if i % 1 == 0:
# Retrieve and print the total number of resolved particles simulated
total_resolved_particles_in_simulation = aerosol.particles[
f"Index {i}: Total resolved particles in simulation: {total_resolved_particles_in_simulation}"
number_distribution_binned = number_distribution_binned / volume_sim
In this section, we will visualize the nucleation events over time. The initial particles will be displayed, followed by their coagulated pairs. As the simulation progresses, particle growth results from both coagulation and condensation processes.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
# Swap X and Y to reverse axes
X, Y = np.meshgrid(
time, edges[:-1]
) # Now time is on the x-axis and edges on the y-axis
# Plot the contour with updated X and Y
log_of_number_distribution_binned = np.log10(
out=np.nan * np.ones_like(number_distribution_binned),
where=number_distribution_binned > 0,
contour = ax.contourf(
# Add the color bar
cbar = fig.colorbar(contour)
cbar.set_label("Log10 of Number concentration (m^-3)")
ax.set_ylim([1e-9, 1e-7]) # Set limits for y-axis
# Set axis labels
ax.set_yscale("log") # Log scale for particle radius on y-axis
ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
ax.set_ylabel("Particle radius (m)")
# plot the total mass and water saturation on twin y-axis
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
ax1.plot(time, total_mass_resolved, label="Total mass", color="blue")
ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
ax1.set_ylabel("Total Particle mass (kg/m^3)", color="blue")
ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="blue")
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(time, saturation_ratio_output, label="Satruation Ratio", color="red")
ax2.set_ylabel("Saturation Ratio", color="red")
ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="red")
In this guide, we demonstrated how to integrate custom nucleation processes into the aerosol simulation. This shows the flexibility of the aerosol model, allowing for the addition of new processes before they are fully integrated into the core framework.
Note: Custom nucleation, particularly at high rates, can significantly increase the number of particles simulated, potentially slowing down the computation. A rescaling mechanism to adjust the simulation volume and control the number of resolved particles is planned for future enhancements to address this issue.