Distribution coagulation

Distribution coagulation#

Now with particle number distribution we can calculated the coagulation rate, both the loss and gain in particle number. Let’s import the classes from the previous tutorial and make a new coarse distribution.

    import particula, matplotlib
except ImportError:
    print("Setting up computational environment...")
    %pip install -U particula -qqq
    %pip install matplotlib -qqq

from particula import particle, rates
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
coarse_mode = {
    "mode": 2000e-9, # 200 nm median
    "nbins": 1000, # 1000 bins
    "nparticles": 1e5, # 1e4 #
    "volume": 1e-6, # per 1e-6 m^3 (or 1 cc)
    "gsigma": 1.4, # relatively narrow
    "spacing": "linspace", # bin spacing, 
coarse_mode_dist = particle.Particle(**coarse_mode)
coarse_coag_loss = rates.Rates(particle=coarse_mode_dist).coagulation_loss()
coarse_coag_gain = rates.Rates(particle=coarse_mode_dist).coagulation_gain()

Then plotting the results, we see that smaller particles are lost and larger particles gain number

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[9, 6])

# (2*(peak of original distribution)**3)**(1/3)

ax.semilogx(coarse_mode_dist.particle_radius.m, -coarse_coag_loss.m, '-r', label='particles Lost')
ax.semilogx(coarse_mode_dist.particle_radius.m, coarse_coag_gain.m, '-b', label='particles Gained')
ax.semilogx(coarse_mode_dist.particle_radius.m, coarse_coag_gain.m-coarse_coag_loss.m, '--k', label= 'Net change')
ax.set_xlabel(f"radius, {coarse_mode_dist.particle_radius.u}")
ax.set_ylabel(f"coagulation rates, {coarse_coag_gain.u}")
ax.grid(True, alpha=0.5)